Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Impeachment Sham

The Senate is beginning another impeachment trial of President Trump this week. It is a complete waste of time. After 45 senators voted to declare the impeachment trial of a private citizen unconstitutional, the odds of conviction are virtually zero. 

The purpose of this sham trial is simply to smear Donald Trump and make it impossible for him to run again. Liberals are hoping to demoralize millions of his 74 million supporters. The left has been involved in a non-stop effort that accelerated on January 6th to do exactly that. 

Since President Trump has been silenced by our leftist social media giants, I want to speak out for him and point out that almost everything he is being accused of is not only untrue, but the left is itself guilty of those very charges. For example:

Progressives are accusing Trump of inciting violence. He did not. He encouraged his supporters to march and protest peacefully.

There has been plenty of violence over the last four years, and most of it came from the political left. The summer riots were stoked in part by the rhetoric of the left. Government buildings were attacked by leftists, and liberal politicians tried to stop Trump from sending federal law enforcement agents to protect them. Antifa was marching through Washington, D.C., this weekend threatening to "burn it down," even though Donald Trump is gone.

When left-wing protesters tore down historical monuments, Speaker Pelosi shrugged and practically defended them, saying, "People will do what they do."

The left accused Trump of promoting conspiracy theories. Well, the left promoted the debunked Russian collusion conspiracy theory for four years. They falsely accused Trump of using the Post Office to stop mail-in votes. They accused him of trying to reverse the results of the election. That's what the left has been doing ever since November of 2016!

Unable to directly prove collusion, many on the left claimed that Russia interfered in the 2016 election in a meaningful way because they bought some ads on social media. But communist China actually did interfere in the 2020 election in a meaningful way. And when the intelligence community wanted to point it out, leftists entrenched in the Deep State blocked the report.

One final point. Liberals are claiming that under Donald Trump, America lost the moral high ground. To the contrary, Trump kept his promises and did exactly what he said he would do. 

He took serious steps to secure the border. He moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He crushed ISIS, and confronted communist China, Iran and Russia.

It is the left that is attempting to knock America off the moral high ground by claiming our country was founded on racism and genocide. Just last week, Joe Biden said that we have never lived up to our promise. 

By Gary Bauer

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Just FYI!


Disrespecting America

 All of President Biden's executive orders have been problematic to varying degrees. (See below.) But why would a so-called "moderate" insist on immediately abolishing a commission that holds up America as a shining city upon a hill? Why would the 1776 Commission be offensive to a moderate? 

Well, no one should be surprised by Biden's action because he isn't a moderate. He wouldn't condemn the attacks on our historic monuments and national heroes. You may recall that Speaker Nancy Pelosi actually defended the attacks, saying, "People will do what they do." 

If you're on the left, there is a list of things you absolutely cannot do. For example:

You cannot secure the border. 

You cannot in any way condemn the cancel culture, which is trying to smear and silence conservatives. 

You cannot be pro-life.

You cannot defend the American experiment, and you dare not say that this was a noble and decent country from the beginning. 

You dare not remind people that slavery was a universal evil, the sad norm throughout human history, and that it was the words of our founding fathers that signaled the death knell of slavery. 

Telling the truth about America is what Donald Trump meant when he said, "Make America Great Again," and liberals rushed to condemn him. 

And just as President Trump warned, we went in short order from banning the Confederate flag to disrespecting the American flag. We went from tearing down statues of Robert E. Lee to tearing down statues of Abraham Lincoln. 

The unifying theme of the left seems to be hatred of America. By Gary Bauer

Thursday, January 21, 2021

What Unity?

Every inaugural address is filled with soaring rhetoric and phrases. Some are certainly more lasting than others. 

Yesterday, if you believe the media, Joe Biden delivered "one of the best inaugural addresses ever." But there were two things in his remarks yesterday that stood out to me and that I want to address here.

Biden spoke a lot about unity and insisted that he will be "the president of all the people," even those who didn't vote for him. While that's technically true, what does he really mean by that? As the old adage goes, actions speak louder than words.

The unity Biden kept talking about lasted only as long as his speech. As soon as he entered the Oval Office, he promptly signed more than a dozen executive orders and every one was a finger in the eye of conservatives. 

Biden will operationally be the president of those who elected him. He will be the president of abortion on demand, and he will demand that all Americans, including you, subsidize it. 

Biden will operationally be the president of those who support open borders, illegal immigration and sanctuary cities, as well as those who want to choose alternative pronouns for themselves.

He is allowing immigration from countries that are known hotbeds of terrorism, countries like Iran, Sudan, Syria and North Korea. That's insane.

He abolished President Trump's 1776 Commission because it was trying to teach young Americans that their country isn't evil. That speaks volumes. 

Where is the comfort in telling people that he is going to be the president of those who didn't vote for him when he has devoted his presidency to relentlessly attacking their values? 

It would be one thing for a genuine moderate to make such a statement while actually pursuing common ground. Biden isn't doing that. He is pushing a radical agenda, and his statement is more like rubbing salt into a wound. It's for appearances only. By Gary Bauer

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Chinese Communists Inside The Gates

 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo addressed a group of House conservatives last month and left them with a chilling warning. He said that in the fight to contain communist China, China is "inside the gates today." 

In other words, we're not trying to prevent communist China from infiltrating the country. They've already done that. 

Pompeo declared that Beijing's influence was already rampant on our college campuses, our high schools and even "in our PTA groups." He said this has been a 50-year effort by the communist Chinese to influence everything, including our city councils.  And I believe we must assume that Beijing is even trying to influence our churches. 

Pompeo said that as a former elected official, he knew what China was up to, but he never fully appreciated the scope and scale of the threat until he became CIA director. The challenge going forward, he added, is rolling back communist China's influence in all the areas they have already occupied.

The Trump Administration began that process and aggressively confronted communist China on multiple fronts. That vital work must continue, Pompeo said, if our children and grandchildren want to live in a free Western society and not one dominated by the totalitarian principles of the Chinese Communist Party.

Moreover, we were recently warned by top national security officials that Beijing's efforts to influence likely Biden appointees were "on steroids." And it wasn't just the people coming into the Biden Administration, "but those who are around those folks in the new administration."  In other words, communist China was attempting to influence their friends too.

And this is in addition to those we know who are obviously compromised. You may recall a Chinese professor recently bragged about Beijing's influence over Wall Street.

But it's not just Wall Street. We've seen how the NBA has become "woke" about domestic issues here in the United States. Yet it is completely silent about racism and slave labor in China. 

After the production of its recent film Mulan, Disney had the audacity to thank the communist state security agency of a province that is populated with slave labor camps. I can't recall the last time Disney issued a statement of thanks to American law enforcement, but it doesn't hesitate to praise oppressive Chinese state security. Think about that for a second.

And the fight against China's influence even extends into the Deep State. Sadly, some intelligence community analysts refuse to acknowledge China's election interference because they are still "resisting" Donald Trump. So much for putting country first.

Left-wing Hypocrisy

 While I condemn the violence on Capitol Hill, I am struck by the rank hypocrisy of the media and political left.  

The last two years have been a particularly tumultuous time in American politics. The images out of Washington yesterday were only one example of the political violence that has been happening with increasing frequency – almost all of it from the political left.

That left-wing violence was seldom condemned by anyone other than Donald Trump, conservatives and his supporters.

Let's start with the Kavanaugh hearings. The left ran rampant through the streets of Washington, D.C. They disrupted Senate hearings. They occupied Senate office buildings and multiple Senate offices. They accosted senators in elevators. They attempted to break down doors of the Supreme Court. They physically attacked Kavanaugh supporters, including Christian women who were praying.

Over the summer, demonstrations that began with calls for police reform regularly ended in violence. The media went to great lengths to convince us that the protests were "mostly peaceful." Night after night we watched as small businesses and stores were looted and burned down, destroying people's livelihoods. Police officers were shot. Innocent people were killed.  And liberal mayors and governors did virtually nothing. 

We witnessed the utter destruction of a Minneapolis police station. The symbol of justice, the federal courthouse in Portland, was repeatedly attacked for weeks. When the president finally sent federal law enforcement officers to protect the courthouse, Trump was condemned and the troops were compared to Nazis.

Left-wing demonstrators occupied blocks of entire cities and declared them "autonomous zones," liberated from law enforcement. Did Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer say anything about that?

This past summer, demonstrators rioted in Washington, D.C., for days, and laid siege to the White House. At least 60 Secret Service agents were injured beating back repeated efforts to pierce the White House perimeter. The big media controversy at the time, however, wasn't the left's assault on the White House. No, the left was livid because President Trump and the attorney general walked across the street to visit a historic church which leftists had attempted to set on fire. 

I attended the closing day of the 2020 Republican National Convention to hear the president's acceptance speech at the White House. The White House fence had to be lined with armed troops with face shields, gas masks and batons to prevent the mob from breaching the White House grounds.  When the event was over and attendees walked to their cars and hotels, we were accosted by left-wing protestors. Some people were beaten, many were threatened and harassed. The media, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were silent.

In recent years, monuments to America's heroes and other symbols of our nation were attacked, vandalized and destroyed. Most of the media shrugged off the attacks as uprisings against the evil roots of America. Mayor after mayor refused to protect the federal property and historic monuments in their cities. Only the Trump/Pence Administration took action to stop it. 

And I'm not even getting into the number of times that Trump supporters, exercising their First Amendment rights, were assaulted and beaten while police were ordered not to intervene.

Again, I condemn political violence. The people who rioted in the Capitol Building yesterday, whoever they are, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If I thought there was now a consensus against political violence, I might conclude that there is a "silver lining" to what happened yesterday. 

But I have no confidence there is any such consensus against what the left has been increasingly engaged in, including on our university campuses.

Most of the left-wing media and the progressive politicians screaming the loudest now have been silent over the past two years. Worse, they often defended political violence or justified it, and never more so than the past 18 to 24 months. 

Remember how the media reacted when Tom Cotton called for a quick and aggressive response to end the rioting this summer? Well, yesterday progressives couldn't call out the National Guard fast enough. Are their offices more important than your business?

Think about this: What if news broke today that the NRA was bailing out the 52 people arrested during yesterday's riot on Capitol Hill.  I think we all know how the media and political left would react to that. 

But how did they react when staffers for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris bailed out rioters, looters and worse this summer? Not a word. As Rush Limbaugh noted, rioting for the correct progressive causes is okay.

If the Biden Administration is serious about confronting political violence, it should start in Portland, where the progressive mayor finally admitted that he can't control Antifa. 

And here's another idea for all those concerned about the divisions in the country today: Election Day should be on one day, and every voter should be required to display a photo ID.  

That would go a long way toward convincing everyone that no one is being cheated on Election Day. But I predict that every progressive in Congress and many in the states would oppose even that simple reform.

Population Matters


Useful Idiots

Led by Rep. Liz Cheney, 10 House Republicans joined Nancy Pelosi in voting to impeach President Trump yesterday. At a minimum, Cheney needs to resign from her leadership post immediately. As Rep. Bob Good noted, her support for impeachment became an instant "Democrat talking point." 

Here are the other nine House Republicans who bought into yesterday's insane kangaroo impeachment court:

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA)

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (OH)

Rep. John Katko (NY)

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (IL)

Rep. Pete Meijer (MI)

Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA)

Rep. Tom Rice (SC)

Rep. Fred Upton (MI)

Rep. David Valadao (CA)

These Republicans, including Liz Cheney, were not willing to side with the Americans who have been under constant attack from the left. And, by the way, they are the same Americans who defended her father when he was under constant attack from the left.

Interview with a Monster

 I am sitting across from a man who I call Doctor Doom. He's in his late 40s, is non-descript, and is Chinese. His insists that I don't use his real name, so I will call him "Wang". His life's work, his creation, will kill more than a billion people (probably closer to two billion), and in the very near future everyone on the planet will know his real name. He doesn't look like a monster, but then again most true monsters rarely appear like the role. He doesn't hate the West, he loves American TV and McDonalds, but that won't stop him from killing more people than Mao, Stalin, and Hitler combined. He is a viral geneticist that works in the area of agriculture and his "creation" will kill off a huge potion of humanity, and incite conflicts around the world (mainly for food). To just get a brief interview with "Doctor Doom" took me over a year; my step-mother is American Chinese and she knows his mother (who is openly terrified of her son's research). "Wang" works outside of Beijing, at a military-funded research facility with over 500 associates, all specializing in some form of virology. He has invented a virus that kills (for decades or more) specific plants that are used by the West: corn, wheat, and barley. Wang's mother, deeply worried about the response to her sons "invention", believes that open dialogue on the issue will prevent its use. She is terrified that the United States is working in the same field to develop a virus that specifically targets rice (we are, so confirms my 30+ year nurse boyfriend who lives in the LA area). She loves rice and knows if a tit-for-tat biological exchange occurs, most of the planet could be wiped out. Other scientists agree, which was one of the reasons why there has been a strong push for "agricultural arks" being created around the world, the most famous of which is in the ice-bound Svalbard region of Norway. It always puzzled me why they would put a global seed ark in such a remote and plant-hostile region, until I realized during this interview that it was placed in an area the virus couldn't easily spread too (an ice zone). China's leaders have already decided that conflict with the West, Japan, and the USA will occur, but how and when it will occur is the key and Beijing hopes to make it on terms in its favor. By launching a bio-attack on the USA foodstocks, it will ensure the Americans will stay out of any future fights because they would have to cope with food rationing, riots, and continent-wide starvation instead of waging war. A successful Chinese bio-attack against the US was completed late last year, when eight two-man teams spread a remote pig virus from central China across the heartland of America. This was a deliberate act and resulted in the deaths of over 2 million pigs in the US. The teams were infected with Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (or PEDv) and deliberately spread the virus by traveling to the US and handling as many pigs as possible in and around Iowa. Their efforts were a part of the plan by Beijing to wage war by a thousand cuts, to attack the USA subtlety and quietly, before it knew it was even under attack. Massive cyberattacks centered in China are also part of this war and are occurring on a daily basis. Chinese leaders decided more than a decade ago to use biological, chemical, nuclear, and asymmetrical attacks against the US and other foes. Their decision to not follow the rules of war set out in the Geneva Accords was based on the fact that China isn't a European country, and shouldn't follow European rules of war. By funding "Wang's" research in the area of deadly bioweapons, we can only conclude that Beijing will continue down this path to global destruction, in spite of the fact that other nations are preparing counter-measures; ones that could kill off most of the people on the planet. In the Book of Revelation, it talks about Apocalytic Horsemen who kill billions of people; starvation and plague and death. I hope to not see these Horsemen in my lifetime....I wonder if Wang cares.

Freedom of Association

 The Freedom of Association is a foundation of the American way of life. While not spelled out specifically in the US Constitution, the concept that you as a individual can hang out with whoever you want is a fundamental basic human right in the eyes of most people in this nation. It also means that the US government cannot FORCE people to associate with one another. That sort of disastrous policy has been shown to be a complete and utterly failure if you look at the one of the more important Supreme Court rulings in the last 100 years. Segregation was meant to be a tool to force change in the American society, and it has been a debacle since its inception. While trying to encourage whites and blacks to get along, it actually caused a reverse problem. People cannot be coerced into liking one another, and race relations between whites and blacks in the USA is at an all time low. As another side effect, black grades in "integrated" schools are actually worse than when schools were segregated, but thats' a side note.

As a gay man, I have no problem with gay bar owners denying service to women or lesbians. If I want to go out and be with men, I should be allowed too. Trust me, lesbians feel the same way, having their own all-women bars as well (and liking it). People self-segregate all the time and its normal. What's abnormal is having the government demanding people consort with others that they don't want too. I was a bouncer in an all-black bar in Denver; whites weren't welcome, neither were hispanics, and I had no problem with it. Again, people like who they want, and will hang out with whoever they want (or don't want). I have no problem with people not baking cakes or making flower arrangements for ceremonies they do not believe in. That isn't hateful, its called "choice".

Any ruling by the US Supreme Court in this area of law will be bad, no matter which way the Court rules. Luckily, part of this issue has already been resolved vis-a-vis the ruling about the Boy Scouts in 2000 when they said since that organization was private, they could choose who could be accepted or not. I myself am a former scout and have no problem with this decision; I don't want to see girl scouts in the boy scouts. To be honest, from what I can see only left-wing "group think" is actually pushing this issue: people on the right want MORE freedoms in our society, not less, making them the true Freedom Party in this great nation of ours.

One ruling damages civil society, and one damages personal freedoms. For example, if the Court rules that businesses can deny services to others for any reason, they we will see militant discrimination in businesses where groups like Proud Boys will be driven out of bars in West Hollywood, or Christians arent welcome to shop in a gay mall in Los Angeles (both real world examples). This damages civil society and should not be accepted or encouraged. However, such a ruling DOES support the freedom of the individual, which I fully support. So either way, we are boned.

In the end, the freedom to associate with whoever you want (or don't want) is a principal right of the individual, and should not be altered based on peoples "feelings" on this issue.

The Rubber Room

 The battle over New York City’s worst teachers. by Steven Brill August 31, 2009 In a windowless room in a shabby office building at Seventh...